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Kleopatra causes Smart Card logon to fail
Closed, ResolvedPublic


GPG4Win V. 2.2.6
Kleopatra V. 2.2
Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Build 9600

After I have opened Kleopatra, and lock my Desktop, I cannot get back into
my Desktop with a Smart Card. Clicking on the arrow hitting the return key
will not log try my smart card credentials.



Event Timeline

aheinecke raised the priority of this task from Low to Normal.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

I don't have a test setup for that. Kleopatra currently polls gpg-agent if a
smartcard is available.

According to Gniibe this might be causing this problem. I'm planning to change
that to switch to looking for readerstatus files that are created when a
smartcard becomes known. But this still might cause the smartcard to be locked
by scdaemon? I'm not sure.

Kleopatra no longer polls gpg-agent it queries the smartcard status once at startup and then only if you open the "Manage Smartcards" menu. So I think this is fixed (gpg4win-3.0)